Essay Instructions: Question: Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
Part One: Write a MA level 5000 word essay illustrating your analytical abilities.
Care should be taken to answer the question as it is set, and no amendment should be made to the format of the question. Keep in mind that the module is America and the world:
Suggested Bibliography:
1-Diamond, L. (2004),?What went wrong in Iraq?, Foreign Affairs, 83:5, p.34-56
2-Brzezinski, Z.((2009),?A Tale of Two Wars: The Right War in Iraq, and the Wrong One War of Necessity, War of Choice: A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars by RICHARD N. HAASS Review?, Foreign Affairs,88:3, p.148-152.
3-Simon,S.(2007),? America and Iraq: The Case for Disengagement?, Survival,49:1,p.61-84.
4-Bacevich,A.J.(2002),? American Empire: The realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
5-Allin, D.H.(2007),?American Power and Allied Restraint: Lessons of Iraq?, Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, 49:1, p.123-140.
6-Steel, R.(2007),? An Iraq Syndrome??, Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, 49:1, p.153-162.
7-Bellin, E.(2008),?Democratization and its Discontents: Should America Push Political Reform in the Middle East??, Foreign Affairs,87:4,p.112-119. Review Essay
8-Simon,S.(2008),?The Price of the Surge: How U.S. Strategy is Hastening Iraq?s Demise?, Foreign Affairs, 87:3, p.57-72, 74-76.
9-Ikenberry, G.J.(2002),? America?s Imperial Ambition?, Foreign Affairs, 81:5, p.44-60.
10-Krepon,M.(2009),?The Mushroom Cloud That Wasn?t Why Inflating Threats Won?t Reduce Them?, Foreign Affairs, 88:3, p.2-6.
11-Pillar, P.R.(2006),?Intelligence, Policy and the War in Iraq?, Foreign Affairs, 85:2, p.15-27.
12-Freedman, L.(2008),?Shortsighted Statecraft: Washington?s Muddled Middle East Policy. A Choice of Enemies: America Confronts the Middle East?, Foreign Affairs, 87:4.
13-Mumford, A.(2010),? Sir Robert Thompson?s Lessons for Iraq: Bringing the ?Basic Principles of Counter-Insurgency? into the 21st Century?, Defense Studies, 10:1-2,p.177-194.
14-Galbraith, P.W.(2006),? The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War without End?, Foreign Affairs, 85:5.
15-Hughes, G.(2010),? The Insurgencies in Iraq, 2003-2009: Origins, Developments and Prospects?, Defense Studies, 10:1-2, p.152-176.
16-Fawcett, L.(2013),? The Iraq War ten years on: assessing the fallout?, International Affairs, 89:2.
17-Saunders,P.C.(2007),? The United States and East Asia after Iraq?, Survival: Global Politics and Strategy,49:1,p.141-152.
18-Yew,L.K.(2007),? The United States, Iraq, and the War on Terror: A Singaporean Perspective?, Foreign Affairs, 86:1,p. 2-7.
19-Rouleau,E.(1995),? America?s Unyielding Policy toward Iraq?, Foreign Affairs,74:1,p.59-72.
20-Diamond,L.(2004),?What Went Wrong in Iraq?, Foreign Affairs,83:5,p.34-56.
21-Ornstein,N.J.and Mann,T.E.(2006),? When Congress Checks Out?, Foreign Affairs,85:6,p.67-82.
22-Kahl,C.H.(2008),?Walk Before Running?, Foreign Affairs,87:4,p.151-154.
23-Kagan,R.(2002),?Power and Weakness,? Policy Review, 13/2.
24-Lindsay,J.(2011),?George W.Bush, Barack Obama and the Future of US Global leadership?, Foreign Affairs,87:4,p.765-779.
25- M. Cox & D. Stokes, US Foreign Policy.
26- B. Jentleson, American Foreign Policy
27- F. Cameron, US Foreign Policy after the Cold War.
28-The Israel Lobby, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt
Part Two: Please compose an essay plan of between 800-1000 words (not including suggested bibliography of a minimum of 10 sources) for the essay of the question mentioned above.
If you require me to send the suggested readings as pdf, please provide an email address to send them because I cannot fax them.
And I strongly request the user name of the writer below to process my request.
Writer?s Username: cdbrychalk